Happy New Year 2024: A Review of the Devilishly Good One Man Show from Patrick Page

By Rodney Hakim of the ‘New York Shakespeare’ social media It’s the beginning of January 2024, and from the ‘New York Shakespeare’ social media, wishing you all a very Happy New Year! Our Annual Year in Review and Awards article is coming out soon, but before we get to that, it is imperative to discussContinue reading “Happy New Year 2024: A Review of the Devilishly Good One Man Show from Patrick Page”

Age Blind Casting; An Untraditional Style Gets its Moment in the Sun, While Raising Questions, in the Hudson Valley

Has Age Blind Casting become the Next Big Thing in the unconventional casting and playing of the works of Shakespeare? The current production of Romeo and Juliet by the Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival suggests so, while also raising some challenging questions.

Gorilla Rep’s Film Version of Hamlet: The Pioneering Outdoor Shakespeare Troupe Anoints A New King

Gorilla Rep is back with their new film version of Hamlet! Read this exclusive New York Shakespeare review, and find out the inside scoop on this film release!

Classical Theatre of Harlem’s Twelfth Night; Putting the Spectacle Back into Spectacular Outdoor Shakespeare

New York Shakespeare shares our thoughts about the current production of Twelfth Night from the Classical Theatre of Harlem, and how the show stacks up in one of the biggest and busiest years of Shakespeare in recent history in New York

Sam Gold’s Broadway’s Macbeth with Daniel Craig vs. Joel Coen’s Film Macbeth with Denzel Washington; Which One Wins?

Which version of Macbeth that made a big splash this year is best? Is it the film version starring Denzel Washington? Or the Broadway version with Daniel Craig? Read this in depth review to find out!

Shakespeare Aliens on 86th Street

A review of ‘Lear’ from Barefoot Shakespeare Company, and ‘Macbeth’ from Hamlet Isn’t Dead. both happening on 86th Street, and both with… aliens?

Gorilla Rep’s “Macbeth”; the Famously In-Your-Face Downtown Theater Group Gets In Your Face with Shakespeare’s Scottish Play

Review by Rodney Hakim, NYShakespeare.com It’s mid September in New York City, and as the most unusual summer Shakespeare season in recent memory fades into the ether, many of the intrepid Shakespeare groups around town are refusing to sit and wait out the effects of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Rather than wait idly for the unknownContinue reading “Gorilla Rep’s “Macbeth”; the Famously In-Your-Face Downtown Theater Group Gets In Your Face with Shakespeare’s Scottish Play”

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